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Why good content is important

Good content is a crucial factor for the success of published materials. It can help strengthen the emotional bond between your customers or readers and your company or brand, thereby generating more reach and visibility. Good content provides value to users and answers the questions they ask through search engines. Additionally, it can contribute to a higher presence and engagement through likes, shares, and follower engagement on social media platforms.

- Svenja Böhme


Emotional Bonding and Reach

Regular, good content can build an important emotional bond with your target audience. However, remember that content that does not meet the needs of the target audience can have negative effects on reach and visibility. A high bounce rate on webpages due to poor content can cause search engines to rank your page as irrelevant and rank it worse over time. In social media, this can lead to a reduction in presence in the news feed.


Generating Content Ideas

There is no foolproof method for generating content ideas. However, there are some methods you can try to be successful. One way is to engage with your target audience and find out what interests them. Another way is to keep an eye on current trends and derive new ideas from them. You can also look at what your competition is doing and be inspired by it.

Good content ideas should be tailored to the needs and interests of your target audience and provide added value. Some examples of possible ideas are:

  • Tutorials: Provide tutorials on topics that interest your target audience, such as "How to use a specific software," "How to learn a specific craft," "How to solve a specific problem."
  • Infographics and visualizations: Create infographics or other visual representations to convey complex information in an illustrative way.
  • Interviews: Conduct interviews with experts or individuals working in your industry and share their experiences and insights.
  • Lists and summaries: Create lists or summaries on specific topics, such as "Top 10 tips for a successful job application" or "Key marketing trends of the year."
  • Case studies and testimonials: Share case studies and testimonials from customers or other individuals who have benefited from your product or service.
  • News and trends: Report on current news or trends in your industry and share your opinion on them.
  • Podcasts and videos: Create podcasts or videos on relevant topics and share them on various platforms.

There are many more ideas and approaches you can try to create high-quality content that appeals to and captivates your target audience. It is important to keep the needs and interests of your target audience in mind and provide added value.

There are numerous methods to generate content ideas. Here are some effective approaches:

  • Brainstorming Sessions: Organize sessions with your team or individually to gather as many ideas as possible. Note down everything that comes to mind without evaluating it.
  • Audience Research: Conduct thorough research to understand who your target audience is, what challenges they face, and the type of content they prefer. Use these insights to create relevant and engaging content.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyze your competitors' content to identify what they are doing and uncover any gaps or opportunities that you can leverage.
  • Keyword Research: Utilize keyword research tools to discover the search terms your target audience uses and create content that targets these keywords.
  • Customer Feedback: Listen to your customers' feedback to understand their questions or concerns. Develop content that addresses these needs.
  • Social Media Trends: Monitor trends on social media and create content that aligns with these trends.
  • Events and Industry Conferences: Participate in events and conferences to stay updated on industry trends and topics, and discover potential content ideas.

These methods can assist you in generating ideas for relevant and engaging content that resonates with your target audience and advances your business.


Choosing the Right Channels

There are a variety of channels where you can place content. However, the selection depends on the type of content you have created and who your target audience is. Here are some options:

  • Website/Blog: Having your own website or blog is a great way to showcase your content and promote it through Google and social media.
  • Social Media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok provide you the opportunity to share your content with your target audience and increase your reach.
  • Email Marketing: Through email marketing, you can directly engage with your target audience and make them aware of your content.
  • Online Communities: Participate in online communities, groups, and forums in your industry where you can share your content and receive feedback.
  • Guest Posting: Publish guest posts on other websites or blogs in your niche to expand your target audience and gain valuable backlinks to your own website.
  • Webinars and Podcasts: Host webinars or start a podcast to present your content in a different way and engage with your target audience.
  • Paid Advertising: You can also run paid ads on platforms like Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn to promote your content and increase your reach.

There are many more options to place your content. The choice depends on where your target audience spends time and what type of content you create.


Defining Goals

Before you start generating content ideas, you should define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your content? Do you want to increase the awareness of your company, boost sales, generate qualified leads, or build sympathy and trust? Knowing your goals will allow you to generate content ideas that are tailored to these objectives.


Are you ready to generate exciting content ideas? Or is there still no spark of inspiration?

Svenja Böhme

Head of MarTech & Systems Svenja Böhme (M. Sc. in Strategic Marketing, certified Business Coach) has been active in the field of digital marketing for over a decade. Her focus lies in marketing, sales, and service automations, CRM implementations, as well as leading digital campaigns. As an expert in the customer journey, it is crucial for her to provide the right content at the right time and on the right digital platform for the desired target audience. Her goal is to automate the entire process.

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