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Online Marketing Campaigns

Online marketing campaigns bring together the realms of marketing and sales in the digital space to create powerful synergies. The challenge lies in harmoniously merging the different strategies of both areas to achieve a sustainable impact.

– Anna Maria Stranieri


Understanding Online Marketing Campaigns

In today's digital world, online marketing campaigns are a central part of the company's strategy. The term "campaign" is often used to describe collections of content, but a campaign means much more.

An online marketing campaign is a strategic initiative to achieve specific goals. These could include increasing brand awareness, launching new products, or boosting sales. It involves a comprehensive approach to efficiently and effectively convey marketing messages to the target audience.


Holistic Campaigns for More Conversions

Successful campaigns require thoughtful planning. Aspects such as target audience analysis, messaging, channels, and budget all play a role. Measurable goals are essential for monitoring and adapting success.

In today's digital age, online marketing campaigns are crucial. Companies have numerous channels and tools at their disposal. However, strategic planning is the key to successfully achieving campaign goals.

This article explores the topic of online marketing campaigns in detail and provides valuable tips for successful implementation.


Why Should You Think in Terms of Campaigns for Your Online Marketing?

Have your Google ads been unchanged for years? Is your business stagnating despite good organic search results? In such cases, digital marketing campaigns can be helpful.

Campaigns bundle effective marketing activities in terms of timing, content, and strategy. This approach can include social media, search engine advertising, emails, mobile marketing, performance marketing, posts, or landing pages.


Successful Online Marketing Campaigns vs. Individual Online Marketing Measures

Campaigns generate synergy effects and maximize results. By encountering target audiences multiple times at different touchpoints, campaigns are successful when the right information reaches the right people at the right time.

Individual measures focus on selected channels. For many objectives, individual activities are not enough.


The Process of Online Marketing Campaigns

As a marketing manager, you can organize a campaign internally or externally. An agency provides expertise and inspiration, but there may be associated costs and dependencies. With clear goals and resources, internal activities can save money.

The campaign process involves phases: briefing, conception, implementation, and optimization.


The Importance of the Briefing Phase

The foundation for successful campaigns lies in the briefing phase. Clear information about goals, target audience, budget, and timeframe is crucial.

Goals are based on market situation analysis and long-term strategy. Both overarching and sub-goals are important, and their formulation should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (S.M.A.R.T).

Clear metrics are part of success. Milestone goals allow adjustments during the optimization phase.


How Do You Define Target Audiences in the Briefing Phase?

In the briefing phase, it is essential to have a precise understanding of the mindset, emotions, and actions of your target audience. This is fundamental for developing a campaign that effectively caters to their needs and desires. Proto-personas or personas can be useful instruments for this purpose.

A proto-persona represents a preliminary elaboration of a persona based on assumptions and hypotheses. It serves as an initial draft and forms the basis for further research and development. Proto-personas can be created based on company experience or observations to quickly form initial ideas and concepts. When developing proto-personas, different characteristics such as age, gender, education, occupation, hobbies, income, purchasing behavior, and media consumption of the target audience should be considered. These characteristics can then be further developed into a detailed description that serves as a basis for ongoing campaign development. In the conception phase, the definition of personas can be refined if there is not enough information available during the briefing phase. Close collaboration between you and the internal marketing team or an agency is crucial for utilizing target audience information to the fullest and creating a realistic representation of the target audience.


How Do You Define the Budget for a Campaign?

In the briefing phase, you determine the budget for an online marketing campaign. Various methods are available for this, depending on the type and goals of the campaign.

A widely used method is the percentage method, where a percentage of revenue is allocated as the budget. This percentage can vary depending on the industry and objectives but typically ranges from 5% to 15% of revenue. Alternatively, the goal-setting method can be used to define the budget based on the desired campaign goals. This could involve achieving a certain number of clicks, conversions, or impressions, for example. The cost per click or conversion is then calculated, and the budget is adjusted accordingly. Another method is the competitor analysis, where the budget is determined based on the expenditures of comparable campaigns by competitors.

However, it is important not to base the budget solely on calculations but also consider realistic estimations and past experiences. Additionally, the budget should be kept flexible to adapt to changes during the campaign.


Conception Phase

During the conception phase, you develop the strategy and creative ideas for your campaign. The information gathered in the briefing phase needs to be implemented into a cohesive and targeted campaign that appeals to your target audience and achieves the campaign goals.

The starting point in this phase is an analysis to understand the needs, desires, and competition of the target audience. Based on this, a clear positioning and message for the brand or product are developed that stand out from the competition and resonate with the target audience.

Then, specific ideas and actions are created to convey the message and reach the target audience. This can include various marketing instruments, such as commercials, print ads, social media posts, or influencer collaborations. These are then brought together in a creative concept and visually presented.

During the conception phase, it is important to continuously compare the ideas and concepts with the goals of the campaign and the target audience to ensure that the campaign is on the right track. Collaboration with the internal marketing team or an agency is also essential during this phase to ensure that the developed ideas and concepts meet expectations and feasibility.

The result of this phase is a detailed concept that describes the strategy, message, and actions of the campaign and serves as the basis for the implementation phase.


Approaching Success Strategically

In the conception phase of a marketing campaign, measurable indicators are added and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are defined to support the campaign goals. KPIs are metrics that represent quantifiable goals and make the campaign's performance measurable. They are essential for evaluating the success of the campaign and planning the further strategy.

Different KPIs are used depending on the campaign's objectives. For example, if the goal is to increase visibility in search engines, KPIs such as visibility index or website ranking can be used. If the campaign aims for higher customer retention, the number of returning users or customer satisfaction can serve as KPIs. Another important metric is the conversion rate, which indicates the number of website visitors who become customers. This metric is particularly relevant for e-commerce campaigns and can be influenced by optimization measures such as website improvements or targeted advertising. Overall, KPIs are essential for making the success of a marketing campaign measurable and optimizing it effectively.


TOFU, MOFU, BOFU & Hero, Hub or Hygiene – Choosing the Right Content Type in Content Strategy

It is important to consider different types of content for the various stages of the target audience's purchase process. A proven method for analyzing content requirements and creating suitable content is the classification into TOFU (Top of the Funnel), MOFU (Middle of the Funnel), and BOFU (Bottom of the Funnel) content.

TOFU content aims to pique the interest of potential customers. This emotional content can include social media posts, podcasts, videos, infographics, or blog articles to achieve a wide reach.

MOFU content informs and qualifies potential customers. Fact-based content such as product brochures, case studies, surveys, FAQs, whitepapers, e-books, or webinars help with decision-making.

BOFU content aims to guide potential customers towards conversion. Examples include offer pages, customer references, discount promotions, or free trials.

In addition, there are hero contents that attract attention and increase brand awareness. Hygiene content fills knowledge gaps about products and services, while hub content combines emotions and information. A balanced mix of these content types is crucial for the success of a campaign.


Differences Between B2B and B2C Online Campaigns

In the B2B sector, the target audience is more diverse, as it can consist of small and large companies. The customer journey in B2B campaigns is often more complex as it spans multiple decision-making levels. The content in this sector should have high quality and a factual style.

In the B2C sector, campaigns rely more on emotions. A successful mix of emotional and informative content is crucial for both areas. Hero content plays a greater role in the B2C sector as it attracts attention and increases brand awareness.

Regardless of the sector, it is important to consider both the emotional and informational needs of the target audience when creating content. A balanced mixture of different content types should align with the campaign's marketing goals as well as the brand and company objectives.


The Role of Storytelling in Online Marketing

Storytelling plays a crucial role in capturing the attention of the target audience and connecting them with the brand or product. It creates a connection and allows the audience to engage with the narrative. An effective storytelling campaign can evoke emotions, build brand loyalty, and inspire action. Whether it's through blog articles, videos, or social media, storytelling enhances the success of the campaign when it resonates with the target audience.


Online or Omnichannel?

Omnichannel marketing creates a seamless customer experience across different channels. For example, combining social media advertising and print ads. Consistent design and messaging increase recognition. Omnichannel allows for personalized outreach across various channels.

Implementation and Optimization During the implementation phase, concepts are put into action. Content such as videos, blog posts, social media posts are created. Online advertising is launched, SEO is optimized, and social media channels are actively used. If using an omnichannel approach, incorporate offline measures. Collaborations with agencies require clear task allocation and regular meetings.


Optimization Phase

Monitoring KPIs and conducting regular analysis measure campaign success. Budget control involves monitoring expenditures, adjusting budget allocation, and prioritizing actions. Analytical tools like Google Analytics or HubSpot are used for A/B testing to optimize the campaign where necessary.



Successful online marketing campaigns require relevant topics, well-coordinated concepts, and well-prepared content. Good storytelling, relevant content, and appealing design attract attention. Planning, analysis, and collaboration are key to success. Good campaigns bring valuable customers and are worthwhile.


Are you ready to take your online campaign to the next level?

Anna Maria Stranieri

Anna Maria Stranieri, MA, leads the digital department at WPWA. With over 25 years of experience in digital marketing, web development, marketing automation, and digital campaigns, she has shaped and guided the B2B and B2C sales and marketing strategies of numerous companies and brands. She particularly focuses on the area of Operations (RevOps), where she assists companies in optimizing their sales and marketing processes and increasing revenues. With her extensive expertise, strategic thinking, and ability to develop innovative solutions, Anna Maria Stranieri drives the digital transformation of companies.

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